I have had a strange couple of weeks, feeling very lacking in inspiration, not sure if its the time of year or something else.but I can't seem to settle to any art, even if I have the ideas!
Anyway good news, I got 2 atc's done today :0
and GREAT news one of the paintings I put in the exhibition at the big gallery on the Island SOLD!!! I am so chuffed :0
It was this one, so hopefully its gone to a nice new home.
I think we could all do with a bit of sunshine to inspire us!!! Congratulations on the sale of your painting, I love it, it is one of my favourite of yours! x
Congrats on the art sale, it always feels good to sell, kind of validates us as artists all over again :)
I think it is the weather, lots of people have been saying the same thing :) T.
Congratulations to my beautiful friend!
Horray!!! your paintings are so magical and lovely..I am not surprised you sold your beautiful angel at the gallery.:)
Oh good for you Karen! That is such great news and will hopefully keep your spirits up and secure in the knowledge you make beautiful artworks!!!
This is awesome news! So cute this angel, I can totally see why it sold.
that is SO great!!! and so deserved!!!
i think this time of year everyone tends to go through the gloomy-feeling phase....i certainly know i have been in and out of it many times over the last 3 months or so!!! but it all comes back around!!
sending love!
Congrats on the sale!
hey! Congratulations... I am happy for you...keep creating!
Of course your art would sell it is wonderful.
Renee xoxo
EEEEK!! That is wonderful! You must be so excited and proud. The painting is just beautiful so, whoever has it will enjoy it for many many years to come! Congratulations to you, you lovely lady.
congratulations! That is wonderful!
that's great news, congratulations on the sale! and about finding inspiration, i think we're all having a bit of a slow creative burst at the mo. probably something to do with after christmas, which for my family is a pretty busy time!
I think there is an anti creative atmosphere about at this time of year as I have also been totally bereft of personal oomph in my painting work these last 2-3 weeks. All the stuff I had started after new year lies in front of me and can't connect to do anything new. Will just have to ride it out. Hope you get out of your slump, though it sounds like you have already.
Oh how exciting - did it get a little red dot on it like we hear about? I never know if these things are true!
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