Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yippee I got to play with beeswax!

Yeh I finally got to play with beeswax today. I managed to get some beeswax and a pot to melt it in,and an iron to smooth it with.Well here is my first attempt, the first is the canvas without beeswax and the second is with the beeswax, what do you think? I like the effect of the wax, cant wait to play more with it!!


Connie said...

Bees wax makes everything look dreamy! I really like this did you create that circuliar pattern/texture on the bottom? Love it!

Peace & Love.

Unknown said...

I'm a total beeswax junkie! I love the stuff!!


It's something i've never tried, but your results are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

oh, she looks wonderful. the beeswax was a wonderful touch. thank you so much for your comment on my blog. very encouraging!