This the blogaward that
Juli-Ann kindly gave me., here on the left.
Here are the rules that MUST be followed:
1. Add the logo to your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received this award
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs
4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they are "One Lovely Blog"!
Ok so here are the lovely blogs whom I am nominating for this award, they are all well worth a visit!
Nancy who has a wonderful booklet out for sale.
Audrey who does wonderful folk style art.
Sharon who happens to have the same surname as me!
Sandy for her loving heart and introducing me to some great music!
Dar for being the most encouraging, wonderful person
Mystele for sharing herself and her art
Jenn for sharing herself and her art.
The second award, pictured above on the
right , is from
Jennifer and
Tanya As I have just nominated so many I will just pick a few;
This award states: This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY- nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends, they are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these artists.
Dar as she has been such an encourager to me-love ya Dar!
Tanya She too has always encouraged me xx
Sandy who shares her world with us.